Financing Model
SPL OSER is the program delivery vehicle of the energy retrofit investments of its local public shareholders in the Region of Rhône-Alpes. It acts as marketer, facilitator, integrator, financial advisor and financier for the beneficiaries, though the service delivery perimeter is by law limited to its (public) shareholders within the territory of Rhône-Alpes.
It actually operates partly as a provider of services and expertise, and also as a third party investor in energy efficiency projects for local and regional public buildings, thus having all characteristics of a public ESCO.
It has basically three objectives:
- Carry out energy retrofit or renovation of public buildings while providing a comprehensive offer, such as EPC, to the beneficiaries. This includes design, implementation, operation and procuring third party financing for the projects.
- Provide legal and technical engineering assistance, but also financial advice to develop or acquire financing by third-party investors.
- Mutualise the acquired competencies, skills and resources and capitalise on experiences.
Projects need to be presented to OSER’s "Investment Committee" (15 members) and are formally approved by the board of Director (which takes decisions).
Currently 10 projects are being implemented for 4 Shareholder-Beneficiaries with a global investment amount of 31M €. Investment amounts range from 0,9M€ to over 6,0M€ and energy savings range from 40% to 70%. Furthermore, SPL OSER has 7 projects in feasibility or preliminary assessment phase.
Since the foundation of SPL OSER by the 11 initial public authorities 2 local authorities have joined as shareholders and 2 other local authorities are in the process of joining.
17 rue de la Frise – 38000 Grenoble
- http://spl-oser.fr/
- Labie Christian, SPL d’Efficacité énergétique : OSER, Rencontre franco-allemande « Transition énergétique » vs « Energievende » Stuttgart, 19-20 March 2013
- Pouyet Regis, OSER. The existing Public Local Company for public buildings renovation (Public ESCO), 08 October 2014
- €41mn loan on savings funds for SPL Oser, published by Caisse des Depots, http://www.caissedesdepots.fr/en/news/allthenews/enregionhorsmenu/aeur41..., 16 October 2014
- « OSER » l'investissement public de rénovation énergétique, two articles published on Décideurs en Région, website www.decideursenregion.fr, 31 March 2015 and 08 April 2015
- Constitution de la Société publique locale efficacité énergétique. délibération du conseil régional Rhône-Alpes, 5 October 2012
- DCESE/Service Energie published by Direction Climat Environnement Santé et Energie (DCESE)
- emphytéotique administratif avec la SPL OSER, Délibération du Conseil Municipal, 17 November 2014
- Local Public Company – SPL “OSER” Rhône-Alpes Region, France, INFINITE Solutions, spring 2014
- Présentation de la SPL Efficacité énergétique. Synthèse des études préalables et des groupes de travail
- Région Rhône-Alpes, 2012
- Rénovation énergétique de bâtiments communaux - Groupe scolaire BAUDIN – Bail emphytéotique administratif avec la SPL OSER, Délibération du conseil municipal Bourg-en-Bresse, 17 November 2014
- SPL Efficacité Energétique OSER pour la rénovation thermique, brochure published by SAGE Service Energie et Développement Durable France, 2013
- SPL OSER : Modification du pacte d’actionnaires, Délibération du conseil régional Rhône-Alpes, 29 June 2015
- Technical Assistance – Project description Rhône-Alpes, France, European Energy Efficiency Fund, not dated