Rotterdam Green Buildings
Financing Model
A Project Management Team (today Project Management Bureau - PMB) is the program delivery vehicle of the Rotterdam Green Buildings energy retrofitting programme. It acts as the project and programme management office of the programme under supervision of its steering group. The steering group is, headed by the director Real Estate (today Director Cluster Stadsontwikkeling) and represents the Municipality of Rotterdam. The steering group is the authority taking strategic decisions such as go/no go, it decides on risks, staffing, communications, etc.
The PDU takes care of the preparation and execution of the decisions of the steering committee.
It is responsible for the realisation of the project planning within the defined budget and the energy efficiency objectives set-forth. It is also responsible for the drafting of the ambition document and the tendering strategy and the development and continuous fine-tuning of best practice approaches, templates and standards.
The PDU has a major role as facilitator and project manager, this means, to manage and coordinate the entire retrofit process from cluster identification and contract tendering and negotiation to the implementation of energy efficiency measures and service delivery.
The PDU receives the support from other disciplines and various departments of the municipality of Rotterdam and from external specialists and consultants.
Today the cluster Stadsontwikkeling (Urban Development) of the municipality of Rotterdam has a full-fledged project management organisation known as the Project Management Bureau (PMB). PMB is part of the Project Management and Engineering Administration within the cluster Urban Development. PMB is the common home base for all physical projects related to Rotterdam’s urban development. The Rotterdam Green Buildings programme is just one of the many programmes that they run.
The cost of the PMB are fully supported by the municipality of Rotterdam.
The Rotterdam Green Buildings programme has seen the following retrofitted until today:
A first retrofit of a cluster consisting of 9 swimming pools:
- Investment amount of 2,6M €
- Energy efficiency of 34%
- Saving of 43% gas, 56% electricity, 35% heating and 9% water
- CO2 emissions decrease of nearly 2000 tonnes
- Maintenance cost saving of 15%
- Improvement of water quality in 7 of 9 swimming pools.
The second retrofit project relates to a cluster of buildings, ownership of the municipality of Rotterdam, consisting of offices and workspaces for a total of 36.740 m². The contract started in January 2015.
Contact Stadsontwikkeling
Wilhelminakade 179
3072AP Rotterdam
Postbus 6575
3002AN Rotterdam
- Lindenbergh Jako, ESCo en Financiering. Voorbeeld Rotterdamse Groene Gebouwen, CoreNetbijeenkomst, 16 May 2012
- Factsheet Rotterdamse Groene Gebouwen –cluster zwembaden,
- Green Deal Rotterdam Climate Initiative,
- Uitkomsten marktconsultatie Rotterdamse Groene Gebouwen, Gemeente Rotterdam Ontwikkelingsbedrijf, 1 March 2010
- Rotterdam Swimming Pools ESCo, project description, 2015,
- The Rotterdam Green Buildings Programme, 2015
- Model Financieringsstructuur ESCo. Formule Rotterdamse Groene Gebouwen cluster zwembaden,Gemeente Rotterdam Ontwikkelingsbedrijf, 1 June 2011
- Model Afwegingskadervoor toepassing OEPC. Formule Rotterdamse Groene Gebouwen cluster zwembaden, Gemeente Rotterdam Ontwikkelingsbedrijf, 1 June 2011
- Procesbeschrijving aanbestedingprocedure Formule Rotterdamse Groene Gebouwen cluster zwembaden, Gemeente Rotterdam Ontwikkelingsbedrijf, 1 June 2011
- Press release Rotterdam maakt zwembaden groener,, 7 April 2011
- Press release Rotterdam selecteert drie partijen voor verduurzamen Rotterdams vastgoed, Gemeente Rotterdam Ontwikkelingsbedrijf, 15 June 2010
- Press release Aanbesteding voor duurzaam Rotterdams vastgoed van start, Gemeente Totterdam Ontwikkelingsbedrijf, 31 March 2010
- Selectieleidraad 1-501-14 Groene Gebouwen, Cluster Kantoren/werkplaatsen en Cluster gebouwen met publieke functie, College van burgemeester en wethouders Rotterdam, 20 January 2014