Press Release: The Community will save more than six million euros a year with the energy rehabilitation of 448 buildings
05-06.07.2017.The Region of Murcia collaborates with Belgian and Bulgarian researchers in the European project Citynvest, whose results will subsequently be applied to ten other countries of the European Union.
The energy rehabilitation of a total of 448 buildings owned by the Regional Administration will allow the Community to save more than 6 Million Euros per year in its energy bill, as well as to avoid the emission into the atmosphere of more than 16,000 tons of CO2 per year.
The General Director of Energy, Industrial Activity and Mining, Esther Marín, today inaugurated a work day organized by Info in which the strategic lines of this initiative were presented. "This project is another example of the regional government's commitment to fight climate change and represents a major step forward in the implementation of a model of energy sustainability that enhances economic development, making an increasingly efficient and rational use of resources productive"
Complete press release in Spanish here.