
New underwriting tools for investment in renovation

ICP Europe protocols for investment in retrofitting buildings were released by the  Investor Confidence Project (ICP) Europe. ICP system standardizes how energy efficiency projects are developed, maintained and measured, thus promises mass-scale financing for the building renovation market.

The Energy Efficiency Financial Institutions Group, cited investor confidence as the top priority for transforming the energy efficiency market. To facilitate large scale investment into energy efficiency, ICP Europe developed ICP Protocols, which are embedded into their partners’ financing processes for building renovation projects.

Dr. Steven FAWKES is a member of the Investment Committee of the London Energy Efficiency Fund. "Governments and NGOs have for years been talking about how energy efficiency is the low hanging fruit that can bring a healthy return on investment," he said. "But, despite the actions of a few market leaders, investing in it is not as easy as it's made out to be – or everybody would be doing it. With the release of the first six renovation protocols, ICP Europe is helping energy efficiency become a standardised product and, thus, an indispensable part of every institutional investor's portfolio", he added.

Building owners, project developers, finance and energy service providers, insurers, local authorities and utilities all stand to gain from the ICP system.

Read the full press release.