Name of the local authority: DourCountry: BelgiumOwnership of investment: Public-Private Partnership Description Moulins du Haut Pays is a Belgian REScoop that was set up to erect 2 large wind turbunes in Dour (Belgium). About 75% of the shares are in hands of local citizens, people who live close to the project. The local municipality of Dour owns the remaining 25% of the shares. This implies that 25% of the profits can be used by the local municipality to finance energy efficiency measures in public buildings. Details Number of inhabitants: 16.500Stakeholders: Moulins du Haut Pays, a Belgian renewable energy cooperative (REScoop). The local municipality of Dour (Wallonia, Belgium). Local citizens. Target audience: Local authorities. Energy savings: -Size: -Timeline and results: - Barriers: - Suggestions: - Contacts - - -