Energy Fund Den Haag
Financing Model
SVn, in its capacity as Fund Manager of ED, is the programme delivery unit of the Municipality of The Hague’s energy fund programme. It acts as marketer, assessor and financier. It operates in accordance with the business plan which includes the fund’s investment strategy as well as an indicative list of eligible projects. The Fund Manager has been appointed for a period of 10 years.
SVn is a professional fund management organisation of about 100 people, including supporting services and external associates. It specialises in fund management for the public sector.
Its main responsibilities and tasks include:
- Serve as managing partner of the Limited Partnership ED (as the sole member of the board of the Foundation Managing Partner ED/FRED.
- Unlimited responsibility for all obligations of the Limited Partnership
- The daily management and the financial management of ED.
- To consider the pipeline of possible investment projects and initiatives identified by the cities and other public and private sector stakeholders
- To take investment decisions regarding projects of final beneficiaries;
- To develop or increase awareness of the Energy Fund with a view of identifying potential investment proposals.
- To attract sufficient private investment at project level to match the initial public investment in order to leverage substantial additional private sector funding
- To encourage private investor contributions to the Energy Fund’s capital to ensure that the initial investment in the Energy Fund is leveraged.
- To provide regular feedback on the management and the performance of the fund and the individual projects.
- To handle all required administrative formalities of the project application process up to the drafting and signing of the credit or investment agreement with the final beneficiary.
- To provide advice on the investment strategy to the municipality of The Hague and to the Programme and Management Authorities of ‘Opportunities for West”.
SVn’s fund management fees are capped at 2,9% per annum of the capital contributed to ED.
SVn shows the following results as of 1 December 2014:
- One project for an amount of 72K € has been approved and paid out to the “The Hague Football Club Laakkwartier”. This project relates to the installation of solar panels on the roof of their club house.
- Two projects for a total amount of 2,0M € were in credit analysis and approval process.
- Two projects for a total amount of 1,8M € were in the negotiation phase. One additional project for which no details were available was also in negotiation phase.
- Based on the most recent forecast as of 31/03/2015 the Fund manager was expecting 8 projects to be financed needing a funding volume of 7,7M €.
- In July 2015 a second project for an amount of 600K € has been approved and paid out to Green Well Westland. This project relates to necessary bypass drilling works related to the beneficiary’s geothermal project.
- Holland Lieke, Op zoek naar JESSICA , Een ex ante-beleidsevaluatie naar een Europees financieringsinstrument op het gebied van grootschalige energiebesparingsprojecten in de bestaande bouw, 05 July 2012
- Overmeire Ton, Financial Instruments in The Hague, not dated
- Overmeire Ton, Revolverende fondsen in Den Haag, online presentation
- Van den Bungelaar William and van Aart Luc, Zelfevaluatie JESSICA-pilot Den Haag, Stichting HEID, April 2015
- Investeringsstrategie en juridische constructie van het Jessica-initiatief ‘Energiefonds Den Haag’ (ED) en ‘Fonds ruimte en economie Den Haag’ (FRED), Besluit van het College van Burgemeester en wethouders Den Haag, 10 July 2012
- JESSICA architecture in the West-Netherlands region , Evaluation study, European Investment Bank, March 2012
- Local Action Plan, Holding Fund Economic Investments The Hague (HEID), 31 March 2015
- JESSICA Energiefonds Den Haag (ED), article on Kansen voor West website.
-, 2015
- Green Well leent geld bij Energiefonds,,, 08 September 2015
- State aid SA.34660 (2012/N) – The Netherlands. JESSICA Urban-development Funds The Hague and Rotterdam, European Commission, 18 September 2013
- Evaluatie JESSICA pilot Den Haag, Besluit van het College van Burgemeester en wethouders Den Haag, 07 July 2015
- Financieringsvoorstel herstel Geothermiebron Green Well, Memo to Investeringscomité Energiefonds Den Haag from SVn, 25 March 2015
- Oprichting stichting 'Holdingfonds Economische Investeringen Den Haag', College van burgemeester en wethouders Den Haag, 02July 2013
- Toekenning van subsidie uit het programma Kansen voor West aan het JESSICA-initiatief Fonds Ruimte en Economie Den Haag en Energiefonds Den Haag - RIS 247398, College van burgemeester en wethouders Den Haag, 13 March 2012
- Aanvraagronde december 2011 – Cofinancieringsfonds, College van burgemeester en wethouders Den Haag, 17 January 2012