Energy Efficiency Milan Covenant of Mayors
Financing Model
A dedicated Project Implementation Unit (PIU) is the programme delivery vehicle of the Energy Efficiency Milan Covenant of Mayors energy retrofitting programme. It is basically part of the public service structure of the Province of Milan.
The unit operates as programme marketer or promotor, assessor, aggregator, facilitator and financial advisor.
The role of the PIU is to:
- promote the programme among the municipalities that have adhered to the Covenant of Mayors
- analyse and assess the proposals related to potential investment projects
- coordinate and control of the required energy audits and baseline assessment and standardisation
- provide technical support for the implementation of the projects including follow up and supervision of the works
- Provide legal and administrative support throughout the entire implementation process, including drafting and providing of required documentation related to the tender process, coordination of the tender process, and negotiations with the ESCOs and financial institutions
- provide monitoring and audit related to performance and measurement and verification
- disseminate findings and results and transfer of knowledge to other public authorities
The PIU is structured in different groups. The core of the PIU is its Management Board (basically consisting of the dedicated project members, mostly process managers). It is supported by a Municipalities Committee (representatives from the municipalities) and by the Support Group. The Support Group consist of members of various departments of the Province of Milan. Three other groups, the Technical Group, the Legal-Administrative Group and the Monitoring and Reporting Group are being supervised by the Management Board though most of the tasks have been outsourced to external specialists and consultants.
Since 2010 the PIU operations have been funded for a total amount of 1,8M €. Of this funding amount some 90% or 1,62M € has been provided by ELENA and some 10% or 0,18M € by the Province of Milan.
The PIU aimed at leveraging the ELENA funding amount by 46 times in delivered capital investment or a minimum of 90Mio € by 2014. In the course of the programme the leverage has been downsized to 20.
To date the Energy Efficiency Milan Covenant of Mayors programme has put in total three calls for tender in the market, of which two have been awarded: the first one, for an investment amount of 13M €, related to 98 buildings in 16 municipalities, the second one concerns an investment of 5,1M € and it included 38 buildings in the Municipality of Milan. The total amount of the investments are around 18M €.
On the first tender the EIB, through Mediocredito Italiano, provided 5M € funding to some members of the ESCO consortium.
The second tender, though already awarded in August 2014, has been put to hold as it has been assigned through a different procurement process.
- CombinES, “Comprehensive renovation of buildings, Vital facts and selected stories”, brochure published by CombinES (, November 2014
-, “Province of Milan, IT - ELENA funds for the refurbishment of municipal buildings”, published on (, not dated
- Covenant of Mayors, “Energy Performance Contracting: 98 public buildings set to benefit from Covenant of Mayors project in Milan Province” available at (
- European Investment Bank, “Province of Milan” Factsheet, available at (, October 2010,
- Lucia Felice, “How to finance interventions in public assets: The experience of the Province of Milan”, Published on Dailye (, 17 July 2013
- Maran Pierfrancesco, “The energy retrofit of private and public buildings. City of Milan: Energy and Climate Policies”, 5 November 2014
- Micale Valerio, Deason Jeff , and Hervé-Mignucci Morgan, “Early Lessons on Introducing Energy Performance Contracts in Italy: Milan’s Energy Efficiency Program”, available at (, September 2014
- Province of Milan, “The Province of Milan awards the first Energy Performance Contract of the Energy Efficiency Milan Covenant of Mayors project”, Press release, 7 August 2012
- Province of Milan, “Energy Efficiency Milan Covenant of Mayors. Informativa in merito allo stato di
- avanzamento complessivo del progetto Europeo e sviluppi anno 2014”. Informativa di giunta ATTI: 80641/9.10/2014/28, 06 May 2014
- Zabot Sergio, “Energy Efficiency - Covenant of Mayors (Province of Milan, Italy)”, Public Workshop on Innovative financing for energy efficiency and renewables, 28 April 2015