Energies POSIT’IF
Financing Model
Energies POSIT’IF is the program delivery unit and acts as programme marketer, project integrator, facilitator, project financial advisor and assessor.
Its core activities include:
- Identification of multifamily home owners and buildings
- Identification of energy savings potential
- Outsourcing to and integration of architects, auditors, engineering companies, energy service companies and contractors
- Financial advice and financial engineering
- Communication, capacity building and networking
Projects vary from 1 to 20 M€. For one single home of 60 m2 a thermal renovation (heating and isolation) has an average cost of 25.000 €.
Energies POSIT’IF has a strong leverage effect: every euro invested by the company allows to create 8 to 14 euros investment in total.
Energies POSIT’IF fixed following objectives:
- 1000 individual homes renovated per year, with an objective of 10.000 over a 10 year period
In addition to the energy renovation of apartment buildings, Energies POSIT’IF also invests in renewable energy projects.
For the period 2013-2015, 2 M€ was allocated, spit in following budgets:
- 1,4 to 1,6 M€ allocated to minority participation in 3 projects ranging from 400 k€ to 600 k€. These include PV solar, biomass based heat production, biomass based cogeneration, bio-methanisation and wind energy.
- 300 k€ to 400 k€ allocated to the development of 11 projects ranging from 25 k€ to 40 k€.
Some key numbers on employment creation:
- 1 M€ invested in isolation works creates 26 FTEs of employment
- 1 M€ invested in renewable energy creates 6 FTEs of employment
Energies POSIT’IF employs a staff of 10 people.
In 2015, Energies POSIT’IF reported accompanying 21 co-owner associations at different stages of development (audit, project assistance, design and implementation) covering about 3200 individual homes for a total investment of over 50 millions euros VAT incl.
The project pipeline has increased to 60 condominiums, with a total of 18 contracts signed.
In 2015 more than 30 million € of works are to be signed, covering the renovation of 2553 apartments.
Cité Régionale de l'Environnement
90-92 avenue du Général Leclerc
93500 Pantin
- http://www.energiespositif.fr
- J. Lopez, Investing in Energy Efficient Renovations for Europe’s Regions Public-Private Funding, Case study : Energies POSIT’IF, An ESCO for the low energy refurbishment of condominiums in Ile-de-France region, REDay 2013, 9 October 2013
- Julien BERTHIER, Copropriétaires, locataires, comment passer aux économies d'énergies ?, Présentation d’Energies POSIT’IF et de ses offres de renovation énergétique des copropriétés, 21 March 2013
- Julien BERTHIER, La renaissance participative des outils juridiques pour le financement de la transition énergétique, Energies POSIT’IF, Société d’Economie Mixte au service du développement des EnR en Ile-de-France, 16ème Assisses de l’Energie, Bordeaux 2015
- Dossier de Presse, Société d’Economie Mixte Energies POSIT’IF, une innovation au service de la transition énergétique
- Annexe 4.4 : Fiche régionale – Région Ile de France – SEM Energies Posit’IF
- La SEM Energies POSIT’IF : le Tiers-financement appliqué à la rénovation énergétique du logement collectif francilien
- INFINITE Solutions, A semi-public company: SEM Energies Posit’IF
- Ile de France Region, France, Spring 2014
- Hélène GASSIN, La SEM Energies POSIT’IF, un outil au service de la rénovation énergétique des logements collectifs
- Rapport annuel du représentant du Conseil général de Seine-et-Marne au sein de la SEM Énergies POSIT’IF, Exercice 2013, 3 October 2014